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Birth Mom Letters
Having an exceptional “Dear Birthmom” letter is a vital step in the adoption process. At HandHeartQuill, I work with you to create a personal and informative family profile that will let your story shine through, illuminate your life, and show a birthmother what a fantastic home you can offer a baby.

About Sarah
Sarah has been writing family letters for years. She celebrates each time one of her families takes home their new baby. Her philosophy is to find the uniqueness in each family, and then apply a combination of empathy, curiosity, and robust writing ability to help each individual letter shine.
"For years I have watched birthmoms read through family profiles. Sarah’s letters are always the ones they put on top. Her profiles bring out the unique qualities of my adoptive parents. Sarah makes my families shine and the ones that use her always get picked first."
Nancy Hurwitz Kors, Ph. D
Adoption Facilitator
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